Tuesday, February 19, 2019

OSINT news - Russia: what is happening? (the second decade of January 2019 - the second decade of February 2019 review)

OSINT news - Russia: what is happening? (the second decade of January 2019 - the second decade of February 2019 review)

Online Homeland security

blog about business intelligence, political news and analysis, business news, osint, osint analyst, osint tools, osint intelligence, competitive intelligence - Research Center Viktora Voksanaeva


1. Fight against corruption

The gas king of the Caucasus stole billions and eliminated the unwanted. His countrymen knew, but were silent (ru)




2. Local government

May calculation: Russia's spending on national projects will be more than 25 trillion rubles (ru) https://russian.rt.com/business/article/601619-rossiya-natsionalnye-proekty


СПБ ГУП «СПБ ИАЦ»  - analytical materials about St. Petersburg (ru)



бюджетное учреждение Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры «Региональный аналитический центр»

Social and economic development of the Autonomous Okrug (ru)




3. Economy

Экспертно-аналитический центр агробизнеса"АБ-Центр"

Food exports from Russia by year, commodity groups (ru)



The International Center for Innovations in Science, Technology and Education (ICISTE)

Southern Perspectives on Science and Technology Cooperation.
ITEC Report on Science Diplomacy. Published in 2019 by RIS (Research and Information System for Develophing Countries), New Delhi, India


AO «Institute of Environmental Survey, Planning & Assessment», OOO «MSU Analytical Centre» and OOO «Lomonosov MSU Oil and Gas Engineering Center»

Oil spills: full cost




4. Politics

Basil’s Analytics Center





On the forecast of the situation in Donbas (ru)




5. Spforces

the National Antiterrorism Committee

A meeting of the National antiterrorist Committee was held in Moscow (ru)
